The Track of Machinery, Automobile and industry invites skilled engineers
to these challenging fields to apply their skills and this promoted us to launch the branches of
Mechanical Engineering. The Mechanical Engineering Department has got advanced laboratories
in Thermal engineering, Production technology, Machine shop, Fluid mechanics, Hydraulic
machines, Material testing, Metallurgy, Heat transfer, Applied mechanics and CAD/CAM.
All the laboratories are well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment according to the syllabi of BPUT.
Students are made to think practical and analytical while doing their practicals under
the guidance of talented professionals. They are encouraged to attend National Level Technical Seminars
and present papers.
The department has CAD/CAM Lab comprising 30 HCL, P-IV systems with
AutoCAD and AutoCAD inventory series.
There is a full fledged workshop, with different sections devoted to Smithy
Carpentry, Welding, forging, Machine Turning etc. The machining sections have lathes of 10ft.
8ft, 6ft & 4ft bed length, a capstan Lathe of 1ft bed length, a Universal milling machine radial
drilling machine of 1inch capacity and one drilling machine of half inch capacity.