B.Tech (2nd Semester)

BS1104 Mathematics-II

BS1103 Chemistry-I Or
BS1102 Physics – I

BE2102 Basic Electrical Engineering Or
BE2101 Basic Electronics

BE2104 Mechanics Or
BE2103 Thermodynamics

HM3102 Business Comm. in English
BE2106 Data Structure using ‘C’

BE7102 Workshop Practice Or
BE7101 Engineering Drawing
BE7104 Chemistry Laboratory Or
BE7103 Physics Laboratory
BE7106 Basic Electrical Engg. Lab Or BE7105 Basic Electronics Laboratory
HM7102 Business Communicative Lab. 0- 0- 3 2
BE7108 Data Structure using ‘C’ Lab 0- 0- 3 2

  BS1104  Mathematics -II

Module - I

Laplace transformation and its use in getting solution to differential equations, Convolution, Integral equations Fourier series, Fourier expansion of functions of any period, Even and odd functions, Half range expansion

Module - II

Fourier transform and Fourier Integral, Gamma, Beta functions, error function Vector differential calculus: vector and scalar functions and fields, Derivatives, Curves, tangents and arc length, gradient, divergence, curl

Module - III

Vector integral calculus: Line Integrals, Green Theorem, Surface integrals, Gauss theorem and Stokes theorem

Text Book:
  1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig
    Publisher: John Willey & Sons Inc- 8th Edition
    Chapter 5( 5.1 to 5.7),
    Chapter 8(8.4, 8.5, 8.9 to 8.11)
    Chapter 9( 9.1 to 9.9)
    Chapter 10( 10.1 to 10.4, 10.8 to 10.10)
Reference Books:
  1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana
    Publisher: TMH
  2. Mathematical Methods by Potter and Goldberg Publisher: PHI

  BS1103  Chemistry - I

Module - I

(To develop basic concepts of quantum mechanics and its applications in bonding)

  1. Structure Bonding: Dual nature of matter, Schrodinger equation (need not be derived), interpretation of wave functions, molecular orbital theory of diatomic molecules, metallic bonding.
    Phase rule: Phase diagram of one & two component systems,H2O, S, Cd-Bi and Fe-C systems.
    Solid State:Crystal systems, Bravais lattices, closed packed structures, ionic solids, and crystal defects including Schottky and Frenkel defects.
Module - II

(To develop basic concepts about the rates of reactions and catalysis)

  1. Reaction Kinetics & Catalysis: Rate law, Order & Molecularity, Determination of order of reaction, Kinetics of Zero, 1st and 2nd order reactions, Collision theory, theory of absolute reaction rates, Energy of activation, Homogeneous & Heterogeneous catalysis (a general idea)
  2. Electrochemistry: Electrochemical cells, EMF, Measurement of EMF, Relation between EMF & free energy change of cell reactions, Electrode potentials and measurements with reference to standard hydrogen electrode, calomel electrodes, determination of pH, dry cells, storage cells and fuel cells.
Module - III

(Applications of thermodynamic principles to chemical systems)

  1. Chemical thermodynamics: Thermo chemistry, Thermo-chemical calculations based on Hess's law and Born-Haber cycle, second law of thermodynamics, Entropy.
  2. The free energy concepts, applications to gases, Gibbs Helmholtz equation, free energy change and criterion of spontaneity and equilibrium of chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium, Maxwell's relations.
Text Books:
  1. Physical Chemistry by G.M. Barrow, 6th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  2. Physical Chemistry by P.W. Atkins, 5th / 6th edition Oxford.
Reference Book:
  1. Principles of Physical Chemistry by Puri, Sharma and Pathania.
  2. Physical Chemistry by Bahl and Tuli.
  3. Engineering Chemistry by Jain and Jain (15th edition).
  4. Physical Chemistry-Thomas Engel, Philip Reid by Pearson Education.

  BS1102  Physics - I

Module - I

Unit - 1  (Oscillation and Waves)
The aim of this unit is to familiarize the students with basic features of different oscillatory systems waves in general. The topics included in this unit should be treatedqualitatively.

  1. Oscillatory Systems : Simple harmonic oscillation, damped harmonic oscillation, forcedvibration, resonance, coupled oscillation.
  2. Waves as periodic variation quantity in space and time, wave equation,Reflection and transmission of waves at boundary of two media.

Unit - 2   (Interference)
The principle of superposition of waves is extended to the interference of light of waves. Some systems for production of observable interference patterns are covered.

  1. Superposition of waves: Two beam superposition, Multiple-beam superposition, coherent and incoherent superposition.
  2. Two source interference pattern, Intensity distribution, Biprism, Determination ofwavelength of light. Newton's rings: Determination of wavelength of light, refractive indexof liquid.

Unit - 3   (Diffraction)
Diffraction of light waves at some simple obstacles are tobe covered in this unit. Both Fresnel and Fraunhofer pattern are included.

  1. Huygen's principle, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, zone plate.
  2. Fraunhofer diffraction due to a single slit, Plane transmission grating- diffraction spectra, determination of wave length of light.
Module - II

Unit - 4  (Polarization)
The unit covers elementary features of polarization of light waves.

  1. Polarization of transverse waves, plane, circular and elliptically polarized light. Polarization by reflection, refraction and scattering.
  2. Double refraction; Nicol prism, Quarter - wave plate, half - wave plate-construction and use.
  3. Production and analysis of circular and elliptically polarized light, Optical rotation (Only concepts)

Unit - 5   (Electromagnetism)
Student will be familiarized with some basic used in vectorcalculus prior to development of Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equations. Noproof of theorems and laws included in this unit expected- statement and interpretation should sufficient.

  1. Vector calculus: gradient of scalar field, divergence,curl of vector field (Only Physical significance) Gauss divergence theorem, Stoke's theorem, Green's theorem (Only Statements)
  2. Gauss's law of electrostatics in free space and in a medium(Only statements)electric displacement( D)magnetic Induction (B),Amperes circuital law (Only statements), displacement current, Faraday's law of electromagneticinduction(Only statements).
  3. Maxwell's electromagnetic equation in differential form and in integral form(Only statements). Electromagnetic energy density, poynting vector, poynting theorem, vector potential and scalar potential, electromagnetic wave equation for E and B, transverse nature of EM waves.
Module - III

Unit - 6   (Quantum Physics):
This unit deals with elementary concepts of quantum physics formulation to deal with physical systems.

  1. Need for Quantum physics-Historical overviews, Particle aspects of radiation-Black body radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, pair production.( No derivations), Wave aspect of particles- matter wave, de Broglie Hypothesis, Heisenberg Uncertainty principles- Statement, Interpretation and example.
  2. Basic features of Quantum mechanics- Transition from deterministic to probabilistic, States of system- Wave function, probability density, superposition principle, observables and operators, expectation values. Schrodinger equation-Time dependent and time independent, wave packets.

Unit - 7   (Application of Quantum Mechanics)
This unit deals with applications of quantum Mechanics to specific one-dimensional problems (Sketch, Schrodinger equation for different regions, Boundary conditions, final expressions and physical interpretations only, no derivations).Free particles- continuous states, Potential steps Reflections, transmissions, Potential Barrier-Tunneling, Infinite deep potential well-energy eigen values, eigen functions.

Text Books:
  1. Engineering Physics by D.R. Joshi, Mc Graw Hill
  2. Engineering Physics by H.K. Malik and A.K. Singh, Mc Graw Hill.
Reference Book:
  1. Quantum Mechanics by Powel & Craseman.
  2. Optics- A. K. Ghatak
  3. Electricity & Magnetism : E.M. Purecell
  4. Introduction to Electrodynamics- David J. Griffiths, PHI Publication
  5. Concepts of Modern Physics - Arthur Beiser.
  6. Engineering Physics- K.P.Mishra and P. Pattojoshi, Scitech Pub.
  7. Concepts in Engineering Physics-I Md. N. khan, Alok Publication.
  8. Physics-I for engineering degree students-B.B. Swain and P.K.Jena.
  9. An Introduction to Machanics by D.Klippner & R. Kolenkow, TMH

  BE2102  Basic Electrical Engineering

Module - I

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits: Charge, current, KCL, Voltage and KVL, Electric Power and sign conventions, circuit elements and their characteristics, Resistance and Ohm's Law Practical voltage and current sources, Measuring devices (Rizzoni: Ch 2.2 to 2.8) Resistive Network Analysis Node voltage analysis, Mesh current analysis, node and mesh current analysis with controlled sources, principle of superposition, maximum power transfer (Rizzoni: Ch3.1 to 3.5 and 3.7)

Module - II

AC Network analysis: Energy Storage elements, time-dependent signal sources, solution of circuits containing energy storage elements, phasor solutions of circuits with sinusoidal excitations, AC circuit analysis methods (Rizzoni: Ch 4.1 to 4.5)
Transient Analysis: Transient Analysis, Writing differential equations for circuits, DC steady state solutions of circuits, Transient Response of second order circuits (Rizzoni: Ch 5.1 to 5.5)
AC Power: Power in AC circuits, Complex Power, Transformers, Three-phase power, Residential Wiring: Grounding and safety Generation and distribution of AC Power (Rizzoni: Ch 7.1 to 7.6)
Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements: Measurement Systems and Transducers, Wiring, Grounding and noise, signal conditioning, A/D and D/A Conversion (Rizzoni: Ch 15.1 to 15.4)

Module - III

Principles of Electro mechanics: Electricity and Magnetism, Magnetic Circuits, Magnetic Materials and B-H curves, Transformers, Electromechanical Energy Conversion (Rizzoni: Ch 18.1 to 18.5)
Introduction to Electric Machines: Rotating Electric machines, DC Machines, DC Generators, DC Motors, AC machines, Alternator (Rizzoni: Ch 19.1 to 19.6)

Text Books:
  1. Principles and Applications of Electrical Engg., Rizzoni, McGrawHill
Reference Books:
  1. Electrical & Electronic Technology, E. Huges, Pearson, 9th Edition
  2. Basic Electrical Engineering, A. Fitzerlad, D. E.Higginbotham and A.Grabel, TMH, 5th Ed.
  3. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Vincent Del Toro, 2nd Edition, PHI

  BE2101  Basic Electronics

Module - I
  1. Introduction to Electronics: Signals, Frequency spectrum of signals, Analog and digital signals, Amplifiers, Digital logic inverters. (1.1 to 1.4 and 1.7 of Sedra and Smith)
  2. The Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp): The ideal Op-Amp, Inverting and non-inverting configurations, Difference amplifier, CMRR, Application of Op-Amp (Instrumentation amplifier, Summing amplifier, Integrator and Differentiator). (2.1 to 2.4 and 2.8 of Sedra and Smith)
  3. Semiconductor Diodes: Introduction, Physical operation of p-n junction diodes, Characteristics of p-n junction diodes, Zener diode, Rectifier circuits (half-wave, full-wave, bridge and peak rectifiers), Diode clipper and clamper circuits, Light emitting diodes. (3.7, 3.2, 3.4 to 3.6 and 3.8 of Sedra and Smith) (4 Lectures)
  4. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs): Simplified structure and physical operation of n-p-n and p-n-p transistors in the active region, Current-voltage characteristics of BJT, BJT as an amplifier and as a switch. (5.1 to 5.3 of Sedra and Smith)
Module - II
  1. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs): BJT Circuits at DC, Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits, Small Signal Operation of BJT: Simplified hybrid-p model and its application to single stage BJT amplifiers (Common-Emitter, Common-Base and Common-Collector configurations). (5.4 to 5.7 of Sedra and Smith) (4 Lectures)
  2. Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators: General feedback structure, Properties and advantages of negative feedback, Basic principles of sinusoidal oscillators, The Barkhausen criterion, Op-Amp Oscillator circuits (Wien-Bridge oscillator, RC phase-shift oscillator and Crystal oscillator). (8.1, 8.2 and 13.1 to 13.3 of Sedra and Smith)
  3. Electronic Instruments: Basic principle of Oscilloscope, Function of the sweep generator, Block diagrams of oscilloscope, Simple CRO, Measurement of frequency and phase by Lissajous method, Application of oscilloscope for measurement of voltage, period and frequency, Block diagram of standard signal generator, AF sine and square wave generator, and Function generator. (7.2 to 7.5, 7.20,7.26, 7.30, 8.5, 8.7 and 8.8 of Kalsi)
Module - III

Digital Electronic Principles: Introduction, Binary digits, Logic levels and Digital waveforms, Introduction to basic logic operation, Number system, Decimal numbers, Binary numbers, Decimal-to-Binary conversion, Simple binary arithmetic. (1.2, 1.3 and 2.2 to 2.4 of Floyd and Jain)

  1. Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra: The inverter, The AND, OR, NAND NOR, Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR gate, Boolean operations and expressions, Laws and Rules of Boolean algebra, DeMorgan's theorem, Boolean analysis of logic circuits, Standard forms of Boolean expressions, Boolean expression and truth table. (3.1 to 3.6 , 4.1 to 4.7 of Floyd and Jain)
  2. Combinational Logic and Their Functions: Basic combinational logic circuits, Implementation of combinational logic, The universal properties of NAND and NOR gates, Basic adders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers., Elementary treatment of Latches, Basic concepts of Memory (RAMs) (5.1 to 5.4, 6.2, 6.4, 6.8, 6.9, 7.1 and 10.2 of Floyd and Jain)
Text Books:
  1. Microelectronic Circuits (Fifth Edition), Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press, YMCA Library Building Jai Singh Road, New Delhi - 110 001.
  2. Digital Fundamentals (Eighth Edition), Thomas L. Floyd and R.P. Jain, Pearson Education, 482 FIE, Patparganj, Delhi - 110 092.
  3. Electronic Instrumentation, H.S. Kalsi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
  1. Electronic Devices (Seventh Edition), Thomas L. Floyd, Pearson Education, 482 FIE, Patparganj, Delhi - 110 092 (Selected Portions).
  2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (Ninth Edition), Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Pearson Education, 482 FIE, Patparganj, Delhi - 110 092.
  3. Electronics Principles (7th Edition), Albert Malvono and David J. Bates, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

  BE2104  Mechanics

Module - I

Concurrent forces on a plane - Composition and resolution of forces and equilibrium of concurrent coplanar forces, Method of projections, Methods of moment, Friction.
Parallel forces in a plane- Two parallel forces, General case of parallel forces, Center of parallel forces in a plane and center of gravity- centroids of composite plane figure and curves, Distributed parallel forces in a plane. General case of forces in a plane- composition of forces in a plane and equilibrium of forces in a plane.

Module - II

Plane trusses- method of joints and method of sections, Principle of virtual work - equilibrium of ideal systems.
Moments of Inertia- Plane figure with respect to an axis in its plane and perpendicular to the plane- parallel axis theorem, Moment of Inertia of material bodies.
Rectilinear Translation- Kinematics- Principles of Dynamics- D'Alemberts Principles.

Module - III

Momentum and impulse, Work and Energy- impact
Curvilinear translation- Kinematics- equation of motion- projectile- D'Alemberts Principle in curvilinear motion, Moment of momentum, Work- Energy in curvilinear motion. Kinetics of Rotation of rigid body

Text Books:
  1. Engineering Mechanics by S Timoshenko, D.H Young and J.V.Rao, Revised 4th edition (Special Indian Edition), McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
  1. Fundamental of Engineering Mechanics(2nd Edition) by S. Rajesekharan & G.Sankara Subramanium, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Engineering Mechanics by Shames and Rao, Pearson Education.
  3. Engineering Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics by Boresi and Schmidt, Thomson.
  4. Engineering Mechanics by I.S.Gunjal, Laxmi publications.
  5. Engineering Mechanics by K.L.Kumar, Tata McGraw Hill
  6. Engineering Mechanics by Kumaravelan, Scitech

  BE2103  Thermodynamics

Module - I
  1. Basic concepts and definition: Scope of Thermodynamics, Macroscopic and Microscopic approaches; Definition of Fixed mass (closed systems) and Control volume(open system), Properties (extensive and Intensive), State and its representation on a property diagram, Process and its representation, Cyclic process (or cycle) and its representation, Characteristics of properties (point and path function);Reversible and Irreversible processes; Thermal, mechanical and Chemical equilibrium, Thermodynamic equilibrium, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and temperature, Measurement of temperature and calibration of thermometers, the ideal gas temperature scale, Measurement of pressure, Bourdon pressure gage and manometers, gage and absolute pressure.
  2. Ideal gages and their P-V-T relations, Gas mixtures.
  3. Energy Transfer: Work Transfer (definition and calculation), Different modes of work, Displacement Work for various process, Heat Transfer; Modes of heat transfer, Basic laws in conduction, convection and radiation, combined modes of heat transfer with examples.
Module - II

First Law of Thermodynamics: Formal statement (using cyclic processes),

  1. First law for processes of fixed masses(closed systems) and introduction of internal energy as a thermodynamics property, Introduction of enthalpy as a thermodynamic property; Definition of specific heats and their use in calculation of internal energy and enthalpy with emphasis on ideal gages.
    Application of First Law to control volumes; Nozzle, Diffuser, Compressor, Turbine, Throttling device, Heat Exchanger.(only steady flow need be considered)
  2. Second Law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin- Planck and Clausius statements of Second Law, Reversible and irreversible engines and their efficiency, Entropy concepts and the principle of entropy increase.
Module - III
  1. Properties of pure substances: p-v, p-T, T-S, h-S diagram for steam, different types of steam, Introduction to steam tables with respect to specific volume, pressure, temperature, enthalpy and entropy.
  2. Application of thermodynamics: Air compressors, steam power plant, Refrigerators and Heat pump, I.C. Engines (Brief Description of different components of above mentioned systems and working principles with Schematic diagram only)
Text Books:
  1. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K.Nag, Publisher: TMH
  2. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics by Rayner Joel, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
  1. Engineering Thermodynamics by Van Wylen and Sontang, John Wiley
  2. Engineering Thermodynamics by M.Achuthan, Publisher: PHI
  3. Applied Thermodynamics by Eastop and McConkey, Publisher: Pearson
  4. Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics by E. Rathakrishnan, publisher. PHI
  5. Engineering Thermodynamics by Russel and Adebiyi, publisher, Oxford
  6. Steam tables in SI Units by Ramalingam, Scitech.

  HM3102  Business Communication

Module-I (The Elements of Business Communication)
  1. patterns of communication in the business world: upward, downward, horizontal, grapevine etc
  2. internal and external channels of communication; formal and informal channels.
  3. Introduction to cross-cultural communication.
  4. avoiding gender, racial and other forms of bias in communication
  5. common forms of oral and written communication in the business world: Oral presentations, interviews and group discussions Memos, reports, summaries and abstracts, e-mails
Module-II (Reading and writing)
  1. the importance of developing reading skills
  2. the sub-skills of reading: understanding the main idea and supporting details
    reading between the lines: inferential reading understanding the writer's point of view making predictions guessing the meanings of unfamiliar words skimming and scanning note-making
  3. the importance of writing skills
  4. the differences between speech and writing
  5. the qualities of effective writing : coherence, cohesion, logical structuring and organization, clarity of language, stylistic variation etc.
  6. the writing process : pre-writing, drafting, re-writing
Module-III Soft skill development
  1. soft skills: becoming a good leader and team-player
  2. inter-relating soft skills and communication skills
Books recommended:
  1. Business Communication Today by Bovee et al ( Pearson)
  2. Business Communication by Meenakshi Raman and Prakash Singh (Oxford)
  3. Crash Course in Personal Development by Brian Clegg ( Kogan Page)
  4. Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence by Adele B.Lynn (HRD Press)
  5. Lateral Thinking by Edward De Bono (Penguin)

  BE2106  Data Structure

Module - I

Introduction to data structures: storage structure for arrays, sparse matrices, Stacks and Queues: representation and application. Linked lists: Single linked lists, linked list representation of stacks and Queues. Operations on polynomials, Double linked list, circular list.

Module - II

Dynamic storage management-garbage collection and compaction, infix to post fix conversion, postfix expression evaluation. Trees: Tree terminology, Binary tree, Binary search tree, General tree, B+ tree, AVL Tree, Complete Binary Tree representation, Tree traversals, operation on Binary tree-expression Manipulation.

Module - III

Graphs: Graph terminology, Representation of graphs, path matrix, BFS (breadth first search), DFS (depth first search), topological sorting, Warshall's algorithm (shortest path algorithm.) Sorting and Searching techniques - Bubble sort, selection sort, Insertion sort, Quick sort, merge sort, Heap sort, Radix sort. Linear and binary search methods, Hashing techniques and hash functions.

Text Books:
  1. Gilberg and Forouzan: "Data Structure- A Pseudo code approach with C" by Thomson publication
  2. "Data structure in C" by Tanenbaum, PHI publication / Pearson publication.
  3. Pai: "Data Structures & Algorithms; Concepts, Techniques & Algorithms "Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
  1. "Fundamentals of data structure in C" Horowitz, Sahani & Freed, Computer Science Press.
  2. "Fundamental of Data Structure" (Schaums Series) Tata-McGraw-Hill.


  BE7102  Workshop Practice

Fitting Practice:

Use of hand tools in fitting, preparing a male and female joint of M.S. or making a paper weight of M.S.

Welding Practice:

Gas welding & Electric Arc welding Practice. A joint such as a Lap joint, a T-joint or a Butt joint is to be prepared or to make furniture.

  1. Stepped cylindrical Turning of a job and Thread-cutting in lathe.
  2. Shaping
  3. Milling
  1. Elements of Workshop Technology, Vol. I and II by Hajra choudhary, Khanna Publishers
  2. Workshop Technology by WAJ Chapman, Viva Books
  3. Workshop Manual by Kannaiah/ Narayana, Scitech

  BE7101  Engineering Drawing

Sheet Lay-out & Sketching, Line Drawing, Lettering & Dimensioning; Concept of Orthographic Projection, First-angle Projection, Projections of Points, Projection of straight line, Projection of planes, Projection of Solids, Intersection of surfaces, Development of surfaces, Isometric Projection, Sectional Views of solids, Full section, Introduction to computer-Aided Drafting.

Text Book:
  1. Engineering Drawing by N.D.Bhatt & V.M.Panchal, Charotar publishing House, Anand
  2. Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD by Dhanjay A. Johle, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
  1. Machine Drawing by Junarkar, Pearson Education.
  2. Machine Drawing (Includes AutoCAD) by Ajeet Singh, Tata McGraw Hill.
  3. Machine Drawing with AutoCAD by Pohit and Ghosh, Pearson Education.
  4. Text Book on Engineering Drawing by Narayana / Kannaiah, Scitech.
  5. Engineering Drawing by Shah and Rana, Pearson Education
  6. Engineering Drawing and Graphics using AutoCAD by T.Jeyapoovan, Vikas Publishing
  7. Engineering Drawing and Graphics by K.Venugopal, New Age International.

  BE7104  Chemistry Laboratory

A Student is expected to perform ten experiments from the list given below.

  1. Determination of amount of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in a mixture.
  2. Determination of total hardness of water by EDTA method.
  3. Estimation of calcium in limestone.
  4. Determination of percentage of available chlorine in a sample of bleaching powder.
  5. Preparation of Phenolphthalein.
  6. Preparation of Aspirin.
  7. Preparation of buffer solution and determination of pH of a buffer solution.
  8. Standardization of KMnO4 using sodium oxalate.
  9. Determination of Ferrous iron in Mohr's salt by potassium permanganate.
  10. Determination of partition coefficients of iodine between benzene and water.
  11. Determination of rate constant of acid catalysed hydrolysis reaction.
  12. Determination of concentration of a coloured substance by spectrophotometer.
  13. Determination of dissolved Oxygen in a sample of water.
  14. Determination of Viscosity of a lubricating oil by Red wood viscometer.
  15. Determination of Flash point of a given oil by Pensky_Marten's flash point approach.

  BE7103  Physics Laboratory

A Student is expected to perform ten experiments from the list given below.

  1. Determination of Youn's modulus by Searle's method.
  2. Determination of Rigidity modulus by static method.
  3. Determination of surface tension by capillary rise method.
  4. Determination of acceleration due to gravity by Bar / Kater's pedulum.
  5. Determination of thermal conductivity by Lee's method.
  6. Determination of wave length of light by Newton's rin apparatus.
  7. Determination of grating element of a diffraction grating.
  8. Determination of wave length of light of light by Biprism.
  9. Plotting of charactersitic curve of a PN junction diode.
  10. Plotting of charactersitic curves of BJT.
  11. Verfication of laws of vibration of string using sonometer.
  12. Determination of wavelength of laser source by diffraction rating method.
  13. Study of Hall effect.
  14. Study of RC circuit.
  15. Study of a power source - output imedence.

  BE7106  Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Select any 8 experiments from the list of 10 experiments

  1. Connection and measurement of power consumption of a fluorescent lamp.
  2. Measurement of armature and field resistances of a DC compound machine.
  3. Starting and speed control of a DC shunt motor by (a) field flux control method, and (b) armature voltage control method.
  4. V-I characteristics of incandescent lamps and time-fusing current characteristics of a fuse.
  5. Connection and testing of a single-phase energy meter.
  6. Starting of three-phase induction motor by star-delta starter.
  7. Determination of open circuit characteristics (OCC) of DC shunt generator.
  8. Calculation of current, voltage and power in series R-L-C circuit excited by single-phase AC supply and calculation of power factor.
  9. Calculation of no load losses of a single-phase transformer.
  10. Study of single-phase induction motors/ fan motors.

  BE7105  Basic Electronics Laboratory

At least 8 experiments including experiments 1 to 7 and any one from experiments 8 to 10)

  1. Familiarization of electronic components and devices (Testing of semiconductor diodes and transistors using digital multimeter)
  2. Study and use of Oscilloscope, signal generator to view waveforms and measure amplitude and frequency of a given waveform.
  3. V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode and determining its DC and AC resistance.
  4. Studies on half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits without and with capacitor filter; recording of the waveforms and measurement of average and rms values of the rectifier output.
  5. V-I characteristic of an n-p-n or p-n-p transistor, DC biasing the transistor in common-emitter configuration and determination of its operating point (i.e., various voltages and currents).
  6. Studies on Op-Amp applications (Inverting, non-inverting integrating and differentiating configurations); recording of the input-output waveforms.
  7. Studies on Logic gates (Truth table verification of various gates).
  8. Gain-frequency response studies of a BJT common-emitter RC coupled amplifier.
  9. Studies and experiments using MUX-DEMUX ICs.
  10. Study on CMOS logic inverter.

  HM7102  Communicative Practice Lab -II

Communication Practice:

oral communication in social and work-related situations, e.g.


Students will be given practice in reading and comprehending 6-8 simple passages of 100-300 words each, on topics of general as well as professional interest. The texts will be supported by suitable exercises designed to foster comprehension skills and vocabulary enrichment, together with study skills (note making) and reference skills (using a dictionary).
Practice will be provided in the important sub-skills of reading which are introduced in Module 2 of the theory component.


Writing short paragraphs on given topics or topics of one's choice; social and business letters; reports; applications; resumes; summaries. The principles of 'Process Writing' should be used to teach writing skills.

  1. pre-writing : generating ideas, brain-storming, idea mapping, outlining
  2. writing : generating a first draft ; reviewing, redrafting, editing
  3. post-writing : making a presentation ; discussion and feedback, preparing the final draft
Soft skills practice:

Activities designed to highlight leadership and 'team' skills; Group discussion

  BE7108  Data Structure LAB

Experiment No. 1

Write a C program to perform matrix multiplication using array.

Experiment No. 2
  1. Write a C program to create a stack using an array and perform
    (i)   push operation (ii)   pop operation
  2. Write a C program to create a queue and perform
    (i)   Push (ii)   pop (iii)   Traversal
Experiment No. 3

Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following:

  1. Converting infix expression into postfix expression
  2. Evaluating the postfix expression
Experiment No. 4

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Single linked list:
(i)   Creation (ii)   Insertion (iii)   Deletion (iv)   Traversal in both ways.

Experiment No. 5

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Double linked list:
(i)   Creation (ii)   Insertion (iii)   Deletion

Experiment No. 6

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Binary Tree:
(i)   Creation (ii)   Insertion (iii)   Deletion

Experiment No. 7

Write C programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the Linear search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers

Experiment No. 8

Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the Binary search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers:

Experiment No. 9

Write a C program that implement Bubble Sort method to sort a given list of integers in descending order.

Experiment No. 10

Write a C program that implement Quick Sort method to sort a given list of integers in ascending order:

  1. "Data structure using C" by Sudipta Mukherjee, TMH Publication